13 May 2008

no crafting here

well not at home but very busy in the work place.

just got a new camera though......and still need to learn how to use it. Here are a few pics from this weekend:

a very filthy Max:

my mother's day breakfast in bed:

I am always giving Fritz a hard time for wearing the same thing every day and said he should switch it up a bit. So he emailed this pic and wanted to know what i thought:

Yeah, well, it's the same thing he wears every day: Black polo and blue jeans. The leather jacket was for the weather :) Gotta love 'im!

in fashion news - my mom sent me this cool link to a New York times article about a Superheroes exhibit at the Costume Institute at the Met in NYC.

check out the video

and for more music - Kate Nash, again, PUMPKIN SOUP and there is knitting in it!


Anonymous said...

Where, indeed, does the time go?
Max is adorable, which is exactly the way I expect to find Andrew -- this Saturday! I cannot wait for some Abigail and Andrew time!

I'll make sure to take some pictures to show you. :-)

Seems just like yesterday that these boys were babies!!


KHM said...

I'm so lovin' Kate Nash--she's a fun girl!

let's get together---sorry I've been Saturday unavailable lately---after next week will likely be good again...soccer will be over, Rob will be home...

KHM said...

ps---Anna's class has a field trip to see ISoRC at IS next week; I'm chaperoning so maybe we can chat a minute in person? I can give you back your books!

Anonymous said...

what a cutie... :)