22 August 2007

Some Assembly Required...

Just a little update that i am still alive and YEAH we have a new computer...Vista isn't all bad...well for now.

I am currently reworking the blog look and forgot to save my links list. SO if you feel you are missing from my list - don't feel bad, i just accidently deleted you (and if you are in my cell phone, you already know what that feels like)

Learning lots of things now that we have PHOTO SHOP!!!!!!

I feel like i am in the 90's! All modern with the Photo Shop....

Here is a cute baby picture:

beth and angela came for avisit and got to see the babe!


LadyLinoleum said...

Have fun photoshopping! It's a cool toy.

FRM115 said...

look how slick you are getting!

when we aren't in tech we need to see each other in person. i miss you friend!

Frau Vau said...

love the new header, especially the "it`s not a mistake..." thing. makes me laugh becaus it is SO true to all of us!

Anonymous said...

I like the new header too, very cute! And of course it is a feature ;)