26 October 2009

so here's what happened...

Last Spring a customer, who happens to be a designer, at the store was looking for a sample knitter who could fair isle. Well, believe it or not, I fair-isle pretty well (in wool anyway, I am currently realizing that the act of fair isle combined with cotton and me are not as pretty on first try, or second...but that is another story).
So she offered me the one time chance to knit a sample for her and she liked it and the yarn company liked it and now is in print in the MISSION FALLS DUET pattern book!
I made the Indie Vest by Simona Merchant-Dest (rav link).
So here are my pictures of the vest:

indie vest inside

indie vest finished
BTW - I LOVED knitting with this yarn and knitting this pattern, there are plenty of ends to weave in, which was a bummer, BUT the pattern was simple (for me) and the yarn was a dream.

I am currently working on another sample for the same designer and company. And once it is approved and out in print, I will let you know about that one too :)

On the more personal side of life, still job hunting. Had a couple of very good interviews. One of which I did not get, but an impression was made and she passed my resume onto another department. So I am not certain where it all stands. Just keeping my fingers crossed since I really like this new opportunity and the characters involved :).

And on a Max note - we are debating between a cowboy or a pirate for Halloween 2009 :) I want pirate but I think he would rather be a cowboy. I am taking the day off from the store and Max and I are going Trick or Treat-ing in the Apartment bldg...maybe we will go to an event at a bookstore or something terribly stay-at-home mom like :) (I cannot wait!)


Frau Vau said...

part of a pattern book!
i'm in awe and happy it turned out so well - the knit indeed it adorable :)

and: you're not a SAHM. you got the shop and you're a testknitter (and i bet you'll be a designer soon?!?). that's TWO jobs. plus being a mom. THREE jobs!

hedwigbc said...

I think Max should be a cowboy, but also have an eyepatch and maybe a parrot. Or a monkey. Why can't you combine the two?

P.S. I got your crochet hook! It's an H.

Amelie said...

yay for the knitting, looks great!
Good luck with the job search, and with Max' costume -- we want to see pictures!

And thanks for the congratulations :)

Sarah Ruth said...

Hi! I live in the DC area and was wondering if you could recommend any inexpensive shops where I can buy yarn? I realize there are few in DC, but any that are metro accessible in Maryland? Thank you!

Marietta said...

HI Sara - I work at Woolwinders in Rockville, which is just a few blocks from the Shady Grove Metro. We have some yarns (such as Cascade 220) that are a great bang for your buck and then we have higher end yarns. We are definitley worth the trip. There is a new yarn shop on Georgia Ave in Wheaton, but I do not know much about it or if it is metor accessible. Cehck it out on Ravelry.com!