I am at work and I am bored out of my mind!!! Can you people believe it? I can’t! Not really into sewing right now (though i have stuff for other people i should be working on as well as the dress I finally cut out for me) So here I am downloading podcasts for my trip…
Here are a few hints of where I am going (if you haven’t figured it out already)
Saturday night I will be on a plane to Vienna!!!! Just me – no Fritz! I am a terrible wife! And I have decided to make these socks while I am away. I am using SOCKS THAT ROCKS yarn that Neomera gave me for my birthday earlier this year. I am not quite sure how I feel about this yarn. I am a huge Koigu fan, along with Cherry Tree Hill Sock Yarn, when it comes to my variegated sock yarns. Since I have big feet, I cast on an extra 10 stitches (allowing for the repeat). I know the designer says that it is a very stretchy pattern, but one of my legs is way bigger than the other.So I must compensate…and hey! If it turns out to be big by the time I get to the ankle, I can always decrease???
And of course, I have mapped out the yarn stores in between museum trips and food trips.
Other than my love of Vienna and the yummy foods – I HAVE to see this:REBECCA is one of my favourite movies and books of all time and I just have to see the musical! It may suck for all I know…but hey it is totally worth it for the finale live on stage. The theatre has publicity shots on the webpage – and the spectacle looks great – even if they ruin the story and the music could be crap – but I will let you know when I get back next Friday!
11 October 2006
I can’t believe I am saying this...
05 October 2006
my mom is so cool!
okay so yes it is tue - she does read my blog - but that is not why she is so cool. Not only is she cool cause she came down last wekend and cleaned out the closets in my apartment and helped figure out rearranging for baby ( sat in pj's all day and watched - don't tell my siblings) BUT
my mom is cool because she bought my not-yet-born-alien, this:Is that not the cutest baby hat you have ever seen? what is even niftier about this ha, is that it is made from QIVIUT - which just happens to be the Eskimo word for "down" or "underwool." Basically, the fiber is from the belly of the musk ox - a large hairy beast which has been around since the Ice Age (check out the wikipedia entry here)
Anyway - it is so SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFT! softer than cashmere i tell ya!
This kid better like hats is all I have to say!
in other news: still nauseous :(
ps - bloggin' while at work!!!! oooooh! but i have also made 2 tshirts today (need to cover the belly that will not suck back in now) and made two ren faire costumes - will take pics and post tomorrow :) Really i could be elsewhere right now - so no tneeded for once! Sick of cleaning! (Which Fritz will tell you, and I am proud to admit, I never do at home so how can I be sick of it) Every time I organize the desk, it gets messy with other stuff. So why bother? (Kind of like making the bed efvery ay - you are only coming back 16 hour later to mess it up again!)
PPS - guess where I will be in 10 days?